Multivis supplies different kinds of filter packages and materials:
1. Net
200 Very practical for the removal of ammonium and dissolved organic material in trickling or submerged filters. The danger of clogging is minimized by the very open and vertical structure. The stable blocs, which can bear high mechanical loads, can easily be stabled up to 6 meter. The blocs are self-supporting. By this it is possible to construct something round the blocs of cheaper lightweight material.
2.a Environment friendly polypropyleen-packages for cool towers and deposits.
Environment friendly polypropyleen-packages
for cool-towers and bio-filters.
3. Floating
filter material Multivis can, dependent on the application, deliver different kinds of synthetic carriers: a bit lighter and a bit heavier than water.
Multivis can provide you of fully technical information about the construction and management of a moving bed filter. |
Floating filter material
Waterbehandeling B.V.. Waterbehandeling-Wastewatertreatment J.P. Santeeweg 1 9312 PB Nietap, The Netherlands |
e-mail: | +31 (0) 594 516748 +31 (0 )594 512905 |
© 2002 Multivis |